Saturday, September 4, 2010

"Basics of Improv" Sunday September 12, 2010

Actor/Personal Trainer James Leath - Cruised the World - on a Cruise Ship
as a "Improv Performing Actor " James has appeared on "Buffy & The Vampire
Slayer" - Boston Public & more. Students will learn the Basics of Improv -
"Improv" inspires your creative talent and enchances active listening and
focusing skills. Improv helps build self confidence so you can "book that
role: James was "Timeout" Mascot for FSU - "Catch his energy and positive

attitude " this workshop will be so much fun - De Vore Studios - Fresno

Sunday - September 12 th 3 pm ages 8 to 12 $ 20.00 per student

Sunday - September 12 th 4:15 PM to 5:30 PM $ 20.00 per student

Beginners welcome - Limited Enrollment -

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